Career Coaching
Career Development – Defining Your Next Step
We all have different priorities and needs when managing our careers. For some, financial security might be top of the agenda. For others it might be the challenge of having to thrive in an always changing environment. And for others still, it might be the opportunity of working in a field they care about passionately.
Regardless of which aspects or values you find most important, achieving your career objectives isn’t a matter of good luck. Successful people have one thing in common: they always know what they want and where they want to go. And they continuously stick to their goals.
Benefits of Professional Career Coaching
Whilst the approach and results of career coaching are very specific to each individual, these are some of the typical benefits:
Clarifying Your Career Objective(s)
If the goal is not clear, you cannot reach it. We work with you in reviewing and refining your professional goals to find what’s right for you.
Achieving Your Goals
This is about developing the individual strategies that will really make a difference. It also involves identifying and dealing with any barriers to success, and becoming aware of, and fixing, any negative behaviours.
To get ready for the next level or change, it is usually necessary to build new competencies and strengthen existing ones.
It is not uncommon for people to get in their own way when it comes to their careers. What they believe about themselves and the limits they see often have little to do with reality.
Job Application Training
Thorough and targeted preparation is essential for a successful job application. With a little training, you will be able to access your best mental and emotional capacities and be quick-witted, calm and flexible even under pressure.
(Self-) Motivation
Sustaining a high level of motivation is essential for success in your career. With our professional coaching you will learn strategies to build and maintain high levels of motivation.
Stress Management and Burnout Prevention
In any given stress situation, the most important first step is to leave stress and tension behind (also in the interest of health). Once this is achieved, new perspectives, solutions and opportunities present themselves.
Marco Meier, Engineer Process Development – Geistlich Pharma AG (Lucerne)
Reasons for Career Coaching
You will benefit from career coaching if, for example you:
- want to develop professionally and gain new perspectives
- want an external professional assessment concerning your skills and potential
- want to systematically acquire new competencies and skills, or strengthen existing ones
- are dissatisfied with your current professional situation and are unsure about the best way forward
- have completed school, training or studies but are unsure what the next step should be
- want individual, specific career advice for planning your next steps.
The Process
Usually, the first step is a telephone conversation with you to better understand your specific situation and needs. Thereafter, a first coaching appointment is agreed, usually for about two hours. It can take place either in our offices or on-site at your company. In this first session, we jointly define the goals for the coaching and already work tangibly on initial topics.
Depending on individual needs, the coaching can be completed within two or three appointments. In some cases, in order to facilitate lasting change, a somewhat longer-term coaching engagement is recommended.
Warren Tonkin, Director External Manufacturing – Johnson & Johnson (Zug)
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