Insights Discovery for Individuals

Increase your personal effectiveness and build strong and lasting relationships!

Healthy relationships are the foundation for successful collaboration in the workplace and for a fulfilling life. Depending on the situation, we sometimes use Insights Discovery as a tool to support our coaching sessions.

Insights Discovery

This widely-recognised and confidential psychometric instrument provides valuable insights into a person’s individual preferences and the way they interact with others. These insights complement our individual coaching conversations, which can of course also take place virtually.

Please check out this video to find out more about using Insights Discovery
Eine Workshopteilnehmerin ist hochkonzentriert Zuhören und lernt Neues dazu.
Eine Workshopteilnehmerin ist hochkonzentriert Zuhören und lernt Neues dazu.
Eine Workshopteilnehmerin ist hochkonzentriert Zuhören und lernt Neues dazu.

Insights Discovery as a Recruitment Tool

If you are interested in using Insights Discovery as part of a recruitment process, please check out our recommendations on this here.

Example Profile

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From the first coaching session onwards I had a feeling of confidence which allowed me to stay open-minded throughout all the sessions. Thank you, for the valuable time spent together.

Roger Martinelli, System Architect – Schindler Group (Lucerne, Switzerland)

Want to find out more?

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