Insights Discovery For Increasing Sales Effectiveness

1-day Program for Sales Teams and Sales Leaders

With the help of the Insights Discovery model, participants deepen their understanding of their own working styles and skills at every step of the sales process. Areas for improvement are identified and participants develop individual action plans for exceeding their sales goals and strengthening customer relationships.

Participants learn how to use the model to gain insights into the differing styles and preferences of their customers and how they can adapt their own styles for different types of customers and in different situations.

The focus is on learning-by-doing, with participants having the opportunity to work on their own real-life cases and, also, by using realistic role plays.

Um komplexe Vorgänge verständlicher vermitteln zu können, nutzen wir gerne BRIKS zum Visualisieren.

Steps of the sales process

Tree Trunk sales process


A typical agenda would be as follows although we can adjust the content according to your specific situation needs:

08:00 – 10:00

What we do

  • Introduction & ice-breaker
  • The value and validity of different perspectives
  • Introduction to the Insights Discovery instrument
  • Attitudes, skills and behaviors when selling

How we do it

  • Interactive exercises
  • Theory
  • Video exercise
  • Facilitated discussions

10:00 – 10:15


10:15 – 12:15

What we do

  • The Insights 4-colour model in sales
  • Identifying colour preferences of a customer
  • The 6-stage sales model

How we do it

  • Facilitated discussions
  • Interactive exercises
  • Theory & Reflection

12:15 – 13:15


  • Trainer(s) available for Q&A during lunch

13:15 – 15:00

What we do

  • Getting the most our of your individual Insights module “Sales Effectiveness”
  • Role-plays for selling

How we do it

  • Interactive role-plays
  • Facilitated discussions

15:00 – 15:15


15:15 – 17:15

What we do

  • Role-plays for selling
  • Make it stick: integration of key learnings into daily businesss

How we do it

  • Interactive role-plays
  • Facilitated discussions



Approximately 2 weeks prior to the program, participants receive an invitation to complete the Insights Discovery online-evaluator. The completion (and results) of the evaluator are confidential and it takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. The resulting profiles are handed out during the program. They contain a lot of personal information specific to each individual and, as such, are also treated confidentially.

Although disclosing some, or all of the content of an individual Insights Discovery profile is completely voluntary, we often find that participants feel very comfortable sharing, especially since different results are not “better” or “worse” but suggest different, equally valuable, ways of working and interacting with others.

Example Profile

download PDF

Virtual or Face-to-Face

program can be delivered either in a virtual format, face-to-face on your premises, or at an external venue.

Hartmut did a great job. He involved the group in his training sessions quite often and made the training interactive and interesting. It was very easy to listen and follow him

Training Teilnehmende (anonym) –
Johnson & Johnson (Tschechische Republik)

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